At the core of airborne water is a genuine aspiration

UN states that access to water is fundamental to health, dignity, and prosperity. A human right. And one of the Global Sustainable Development Goals. No water, no life. An invaluable resource that due to climate change and extreme weathers, is in short supply for over two billion people.

This past summer is already, by climate researchers referred to, as the summer when it all started. Floods, forest fires, heat records. Extreme weathers all in different ways provoking water scarcity. All deeply alarming. And totally concerning. We can no longer take global water resources for granted. Nor, as common water resources are shrinking, leave more people stranded.

Water must be regarded as an asset, equal to or even more vital than other natural resources. It’s high time to reevaluate the value of water. In industry and in our daily life, by business managements, politicians, you, and me. As a water innovator and entrepreneur, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how. Eventually we came up with the concept of Water Value Management, transforming industries by airborne water.

And yes. Drupps aims to introduce as much Water Value Management to industries as possible. Because at the core is a genuine aspiration, to lead the way to a more sustainable society, where water is for everyone, clean and safe. Looking beyond the economic value of water, including its environmental, social, cultural, and ethical values.

And also a way forward I’m a true believer of. Research, innovation, companies, and authorities co-collaborating to set new movements in motion. Actors representing different perspectives, needs, interests, belongings, insights, and agendas meeting to build bridges. To set transformation in motion.

In this spirit Water Value Management keeps evolving, including applicable practices, policies, and strategies. Providing industries with a concept enhancing water efficiency, reducing costs and CO₂ emissions, and ensuring water quality. Aspiring to build the resilience of ecosystems and societies. Inheritable to coming generations.

With Water Value Management, water intensive industries can act responsibly and in coherence with a transforming world. Even lead the way. Join us in redefining the value of water. Send an email or give me a ring.

Jonas Wamstad,

water innovator and co-founder of Drupps


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Successful trial of airstream scrubbing in the food industry