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Redefining the value of water

Drupps systems for Water Value Management help businesses future-proof operations against water scarcity. Let us show you how.

Water Value Management

Recover more of your airborne wastewater

The industry consumes a large part of society's water. A lot of that water is lost through chimneys, instead of being recycled.

In times of water scarcity, energy crunches and global warming, sustainable business leadership is needed. We help businesses transform their industries by managing their water value more responsibly, to secure a sustainable future.

  • Recover airborne water

    Reduce net water need to increase water security

  • Cleaner exhaust air

    Reduces environmental pollution through wet scrubbing

  • Better worker health

    Cleaner air on site improves worker health conditions

  • Increased equipment longevity

    Reduce destruction of property by getting rid of dust

  • Drinking quality water

    Generates drinking-quality water

Our systems

Recovering airborne wastewater from industrial airstreams

Our innovative systems for recycling of airborne water enable industries to recover the value in airborne waste coming out of chimneys.

Drupps technology separate airborne water as well as dirt from industrial airstreams to recycle pure water and heat with market-leading efficiency.

The airborne water company

Drupps is on a mission to make businesses worldwide realize the potential in airborne water to reduce the need for water and ultimately to increase climate change resilience.

Drupps Water Pricing Model

Redefining the value of water

Access to water is a human right. Despite this, it is still a problem for billions of people. With growing water scarcity caused by climate change, it’s becoming one for businesses too.

Our mission is to help redefine the value of water to help industries make sound investments in water efficiency to mitigate the effects of water scarcity and ensure longterm sustainable growth.

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