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About Drupps

We help industries recover airborne wastewater

What we do

Drupps is a Swedish water innovation company helping industries mitigate the effects of water scarcity by recovering airborne water.

Our Offer

Increasing water efficiency by recovering airborne wastewater

We offer manufacturing industries technology that can help them recover their airborne wastewater, to increase water efficiency and ultimately reduce operational risk caused by water scarcity.

How we do it

Filtering airflows with a liquid called Absium

Our technology is based on a liquid called Absium that enables the user to filter airflows efficiently to extract its moisture while removing fine-grain particles from the airflow.

Redefining the Value of Water

Our vision is an industry that recycles almost all of its airborne wastewater to minimize their water withdrawal from its surroundings, ensuring their longterm prosperity.

Track Record

Installations on four continents

Our technology has been deployed and tested all over the world, from Thailand to America, and our first full-scale system for recovery of 50,000 tons of airborne was sold to Latin America in 2024.

We are open for business worldwide and operate from Uppsala, Sweden.

The Drupps Team

  • Carl Enlund

    Software Engineer | carl.enlund/at/drupps.com

  • Cecilia Danckwardt-Lillieström

    CFO | cdl/at/drupps.com

  • Charlotte de Coster

    COO | charlotte.decoster/at/drupps.com

  • Douglas Hedström

    Computational Engineer | douglas.hedstrom/at/drupps.com

  • Estefania Toledo

    Sales Manager | estefania.toledo/at/drupps.com

  • Fredrik Edström

    CEO & Co-Founder | fredrik.edstrom/at/drupps.com

  • Hanna Gustrin

    Mechanical Engineer | hanna.gustrin/at/drupps.com

  • Henrik Eriksson

    Mechanical Engineer Piping | henrik.eriksson/at/drupps.com

  • Per Dahlbäck

    Principal Engineer | per.dahlback/at/drupps.com

  • Robin Bergström

    Electric Engineer | robin.bergstrom/at/drupps.com

  • Viktor Sivertsson

    Project Manager | viktor.sivertsson/at/drupps.com

Our story

A Winding Road

Our journey began in 2008 under the banner Airwatergreen as an effort to create lowcost on-the-spot water for rural Africa by using hygroscopic materials to overcome the limitations of condensation thru air cooling.

The technology became a success in the neighboring market for indoor humidity treatment, currently with over a thousand installations in ten countries.

In 2019 Drupps saw daylight as a spinoff, to refocus on atmospheric water.

In 2022 the company pivoted toward industrial users to help them recycle airborne wastewater to improve water efficiency.