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Priceless Water Costs a Fortune

How do we handle something that is absolutely vital to us but also seems endless and ever-flowing? Traditional approaches to water conservation and management have had limited success in addressing the growing demand for this precious resource. So, what would happen if we treated water like any other commodity and allowed its price to increase?

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One of the world’s highest cities starts rationing water for 9 million people

Authorities in Bogotá, Colombia’s capital, announced on April 8th that residents would have to ration water as drought, fueled by El Niño, pushes reservoirs toward record lows. As global warming makes extreme weather such as heatwaves and drought more common and more severe, experts warn that the stress on cities’ water systems will only increase.

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Water and Peace are intimately connected

In theory, reducing water scarcity should reduce conflict risk. Technical solutions that increase supply and decrease demand can mitigate competition that might otherwise increase the risk of conflict.

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